


Spring is Coming



When the wind wonders though the branches into my hand

When hopes are growing in the shadow of a lodgepole pine

When courage flies from children’s hands, high up into the sky

When light dances in the cradle of carnations, whispering a lullaby 

Darkness will be driven away

It’s the spring hiding in your mind.


When the aroma of milk tea emanating from your study at sunrise

When your persian cat jumps out of the house to embrace the sunlight

When you took off your suit, smiling in a long dream when the hours tick by

When the clear sky is surrounding around you into the warm and beautiful night

It’s a peaceful life.

This is spring by my side.


When all the trails to demise are lined with small eglantine

When the unchanging words replace the dizzy taste of wine

When happiness rolls its waves to you , even hard to memorize

When spring treads lightly into your eyes, with unknown surprise

It will ease the aches and pains.

All around you is your little paradise. 




#1 The spring also comes  (江佳影)

#2 The Spring of 2020 (淑昕)

#3 Once upon a Spring in SISU (洛婷)(附音频)

#4 Our Poetry on Four Seasons (何琦璐、李理加、徐可、许高明)附音频)

#5 I am so glad you smile with gleam  (玥、王美娟、睿、梓溢)

#6 To Heroes in White 李泳

#7 At the trial (杨元欣、李绪超、 穆婉婷、杨雨凡、 刘子玄)

#8 Is it April 屈润 

#9 Spring on Campus in My Memory 苏布德

#10 Spring is Coming 

#11 Campus life at SISU is undescribed (曾心

#12 Mercury Records陈鹏旭)(英文填词)